我们认识到可能会出现意想不到的情况, 影响你支付大学费用的能力. If you've experienced a change in financial circumstances since submitting your Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA) or CA Dream Act Application, 你可能有资格向澳门皇家赌城在线提出上诉.


  1. 收入变化: If you or your parents have experienced a significant change in income since submitting your financial aid application.

  2. 额外教育费用: You may have incurred one-time educational costs that were not initially accounted for in your financial aid budget.

  3. 房价的变化: 如果您的住房情况在您提交申请后发生了变化, 比如从校内住房搬到校外住宿.

  4. 依赖状态的变化: 如果您的依赖状态因情有可原的情况而改变.

  5. 最后期限扩展: 在某些情况下,提交文件或上诉的截止日期可能会延长. 具体截止日期请参阅“重要日期”网站.

上诉评估过程通常需要两周左右. 然而, 在高峰处理时间,如夏季或学期初, 审理你的上诉可能需要更长的时间.


  • 如果你的上诉被批准, you will receive a revised financial aid notification 通过电子邮件 outlining any adjustments to your aid package.
  • 如果你的上诉没有被批准, 您将收到一封后续邮件,解释该决定的原因.

我们鼓励您尽早提交您的呼吁,因为有些资金可能有限. Our goal is to assist you in navigating any changes to your financial circumstances and ensure that you have the support you need to continue your education successfully. 如果您在上诉过程中有任何疑问或需要帮助, 请不要犹豫,联系财政援助办公室.
