



帕蒂比:  Patty has been a counselor in the EAC since 1996 and now serves as the EAC 协调员.  Patty has expertise in rehabilitation counseling as well as 学术 counseling. Patty is an advocate for determining appropriate 支持 services and community resources for students with disabilities, while encouraging each student to be an advocate for his/her self. She serves as a Mentor for new 协调员s through the Chancellors Office CAPED Mentoring Program and assists with Title V committees.



玛丽亚Reyes-Sanchez:  Maria于3月加入EAC咨询团队, 2014 after working as a Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor for the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation for 16-years.  She has a Masters in Counseling and Vocational Rehabilitation 政府 Certificate from SDSU.  她在加州大学圣巴巴拉分校获得了学士学位,当时她是一名学生运动员.  She has worked as a Disability Specialist and Workers Compensation Specialist for the State of CA, 在CSUN担任排球教练. 她是双语(西班牙语/英语)和双文化.  She believes in the power of 教育 and takes pride in assisting each student to achieve his or her vocational, 学术, 职业目标. 

马里奥·里维拉·塞波列罗:  Mario于2015年4月加入EAC,担任全职辅导员. Mario has many years of experience in rehabilitation counseling, 宣传, 支持, 以及社区服务, including 29 years with the California 康复科 assisting individuals with disabilities reach their potential. Mario has a BA in Political Science and MPA from Cal State Long Beach, and a MS in Rehabilitation Counseling from San Diego State University. He and his family have been residents of the City of 澳门皇家赌城在线 for the past 23 years. Mario is excited to be part of the EAC and VC community and is looking forward to assisting our students obtain and realize their 学术 and vocational goals, 和愿望. 



利亚一个: Leah joined the team at the EAC as a Learning Disabilities Specialist in February, 2016.  Leah was a Learning Disabilities Specialist at UCLA’s Office for 学生 with Disabilities for 5 years. She has her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and is a licensed clinical psychologist. Leah has experience working with various 残疾 groups including students with Learning Disabilities, 注意力缺陷多动症, 心理障碍, 创伤性脑损伤, 以及自闭症学生. Through learning 残疾 assessments and Learning Skills Classes Leah helps students identify their strengths and challenges in the 学术 environment and she develops strategies to help her students be successful.



史蒂夫•特纳:  史蒂夫•特纳 is an integral part of the EAC faculty team working in the Assistive Computer area. 史蒂夫的背景 康复科 & 其他人类服务机构 compliments his expertise in assistive technology which makes him a leader on the campus of applying principles of universal design to the 澳门皇家赌城在线大学基本技能 程序. 他还指导辅助技术, cognitive diverse learning and our EAC job seeking skills courses. So, 无论是办公室技巧, social and personal skills or finding a job pathway through a pass/no pass class, 检查不断变化的时间表. Steve also heads up the innovative cognitive achievement network ICAN竣工证书 that helps students with intellectual disabilities develop foundational skills towards work.



Cathy Mundy:  Cathy Mundy coordinates all registration and data tracking functions for the EAC. She provides comprehensive services for students in the office.



Mackenzie弗拉纳根: Mackenzie joined the EAC as a 学生服务助理 in December 2023. She proctors accommodated exams and assists students with their daily needs and inquiries. Mackenzie earned her BA in Psychology from CSUB and brings with her five years of experience working directly with DSPS students at Bakersfield College. In her spare time, Mackenzie loves to bake sweet treats and play with her enormous husky, named Loki! She has a great passion for the 残疾 and mental health fields and looks forward to working with 澳门皇家赌城在线大学's EAC students, 尽她所能帮助他们!



威廉Slason: After working in the Bakersfield College DSPS Office for three years, 威廉于2022年9月回到澳门皇家赌城在线, promptly joining the 澳门皇家赌城在线大学 EAC as our new 替代媒体专员. He earned his BA at UC Berkeley and has been actively working to 支持 college students with disabilities ever since. William is legally blind and understands firsthand how accessibility services are essential to our students and their 学术 success. 像这样, he finds great fulfillment in serving his local disabled community and looks forward to working alongside each and every one of you.



丽莎ElsousouLisa, a proud VC alum, has joined the EAC team as the 翻译专家. 在得了B之后.A. 美国手语语言学学位 & 从CSULB翻译, Lisa went on to become a Nationally Certified Interpreter through Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID NIC). She has provided interpreting services throughout Orange and 澳门皇家赌城在线 Counties for over 6 years, 获得K-12和高等教育的经验, 在各种其他设置中. 有了这样的经历, 认证, 教育, 以及多年来在聋人社区的参与, Lisa aims to 支持 d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing students in reaching their 学术 goals while creating a Deaf-friendly environment at 澳门皇家赌城在线大学.