的 Draft of Faculty Guide to 清晰度 is being vetting in the approval process - 2019年11月

的 Draft of 清晰度 Guide to Course Outlines of Record - 2019年11月

的 清晰度 Responsibilities are outline in the 行政程序4050 及教育守则如下:


的  开发责任, 维护, and distribution of articulation agreements between 澳门皇家赌城在线 Community College 区 (VCCCD) and 州内社区学院 and baccalaureate institutions is assigned to the individual 清晰度 Officers at each college in the 区.  

的 清晰度 review processes are defined for:

1. VCCCD学院 (澳门皇家赌城在线大学, 奥克斯纳德 College, and Moorpark College); 

2. 加州社区学院;  

3. 的 public four-year institutions - California State University (CSU) and University of California (UC); 

4. Regionally accredited private, independent, proprietary or out-of-state institutions. 



Annually reviews and updates the following articulation: 

  • VCCCD Comparable Course List with C-ID (Course Identification Number System) 
  • VCCCD通识教育(GE)实习表 

Maintenance of existing articulation agreements of 州内社区学院 and public four-year institutions 



  • University of California Transfer Course Agreement (UC TCA) 
  • California State University (CSU) Baccalaureate Level Course List 
  • Intersegmental Segmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) 
  • CSU General Education/Breadth (CSU GE-Breadth) requirements 
  • CSU United States History, Constitution, and American Ideals 课程 
  • 课程识别编号系统(C-ID) 
  • 按专业划分的衔接协议(专业预备) 
  • 清晰度 Agreements by Department (course-to-course) 
  • Other agreements, such as admission or graduation requirements by subject matter 


  • Coordinating with the other institution to exchange needed documentation, 例如目录和/或课程大纲. 当教学大纲被要求时, the 清晰度 Officer will request them from the respective division/department.  
  • Coordinating with on-campus department(s) to ensure accuracy of the proposed courses to be included in an agreement. 
  • 完成协议 .
  • 公布协议. 的 清晰度 Officer ensures that information is appropriately publicized and updated through publications such as 清晰度 System Stimulating Inter-Institutional Student Transfer (协助), 大学目录, 课程安排, 以及大学网站. 

Private, independent, proprietary or out-of-state institution 

清晰度 agreement requests by other popular transfer destination campuses will be considered on case-by-case basis.  发音优先考虑VCCCD, 州内社区学院, CSU and UC campuses and to state-mandated programs and projects (i.e.C-ID). 



  • Researches the institution's background, including the type and status of its accreditation (VCCCD will only accept proposals from Regionally Accredited Institutions), its educational philosophy, and the pros and cons of an articulation agreement.  
  • Consults with 区 清晰度 Officers to review the research and seek consensus for or against creating an articulation agreement with the requesting institution. 
  • Reviews this research with the appropriate College Dean or Executive Vice President (EVP) prior to the development of a potential agreement.  

In the event of a lack of 区wide consensus on a proposal, the EVP refers that proposal to the College President, who will collaborate to make the final determination.  

If the elements of a potential agreement do not align with the college mission, or appear not to serve the interest of students, 这一进程将停止,不再进行进一步的工作.  

If consensus is reached 区wide with the 清晰度 Officers, and if the College Dean and EVP have reviewed and approved the proposed agreement, the proposed agreement is forwarded to DTRW-I (区 Technical Review Workgroup - Instructional) for review.  

经DTRW-I审阅及建议, the proposed agreement is reviewed at Chancellor's Cabinet prior to final signing by the 清晰度 Officer.  



Reviews and updates articulation agreements as requested and provided by the outside institutions and follows the same process as the in-state community college or four-year institutions as outline above.  

清晰度 between VCCCD and High School Institutions 

的 开发责任 of new high school to college articulation agreements, 维护 and distribution of existing articulation agreements between VCCCD and the high school is assigned to a Dean or designees at each college in the 区 and is defined in AP 4051.