
 Advanced Placement 

Students with previous education and / or experience electing to pursue coursework at Ventura College leading to eligibility for licensure as a registered nurse are encouraged to meet with a nursing counselor early in their planning process.  大学先修课程适用于:

  • applicants currently licensed as vocational nurses in the State of California,
  • applicants transferring from an accredited program educating licensed vocational nurses,
  • applicants transferring from an accredited program educating individuals for licensure as registered nurses.

Advanced Placement is defined as acceptance into the second or third semester of the nursing program at Ventura College (Nursing Program transfer or LVN applicants are not accepted into the fourth semester).


大学先修课程的机会取决于可用空间. 大学先修课程有几个录取选择.  这取决于申请人的资格和需求.

Option I:  Candidates seeking advanced placement in the associate degree nursing (ADN) program based on theory and clinical competency assessment testing (option for Nursing program transfer or LVN).

Option II:   LVN寻求作为30个单位的备选方案.  The 30 unit option may not be recognized by other states and does not lead to an Associate Degree in Nursing. 

Option III:  LVN seeking advanced placement in the associate degree nursing (ADN) program into NS V20 (second semester) without challenge testing.

As of January 2017, possible candidates also include individuals who have held certain military health care occupations. For those interested in Advanced Placement with military health care experience, 你必须和护士长预约吗 至少在申请期前四周 to discuss eligibility requirements for the Associate Degree Nursing Program.

Advanced Placement applicants (with the exception of 30 unit option candidates) must meet the ADN program prerequisites and course requirements for admission including an 总GPA不低于2分.5 or higher, a 理科GPA不低于2分.解剖学、生理学和微生物学 with 不超过一个W, D,或F 在这些课程中,和 在ATI tea考试中至少获得62%的成功分数 (subject to change) and completion of a Human Development course (CD V03 or Psy V05).  有关更多信息,请参阅本网站的先决条件部分.



Applications are accepted twice a year:  August for Spring admission and February for Fall admission (see dates below)

August 1st – August 31st (太平洋标准时间晚上11:59)春季入场

February 1st – February 28th (太平洋标准时间晚上11:59)秋季入学

如果申请截止日期是周末或节假日, 申请将于下一个工作日的下午5点前接受.

有关申请程序的说明,请参阅 Application Process 本网站的部分.


  • 当前LVN许可证副本
  • A success score on the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) is required for admission after successful completion of the challenge exam (if Option 1 selected) and prior to admission to the nursing program. 目前的成功得分是62%的ATI tes7版本** 但是会发生变化. Applicants not meeting the established "success score" will be required to remediate identified deficiencies and successfully retest before entry. 最多允许进行两次tea测试. 如果是在澳门皇家赌城在线以外的地方, the test results must be electronically submitted to Ventura College via the ATI website (

** 8月1日至31日生效st 2023年申请周期(2024年春季入学)**

澳门皇家赌城在线大学护理计划将利用第一次尝试 ATI TEAS 7 only for eligibility. Please be aware that students are allowed only two (2) attempts on the TEAS exam (ATI TEAS version 7).


The 30 unit option may not be recognized by other states and does not lead to an Associate Degree in Nursing. The 30 Unit Option must be declared in the application for Advanced Placement. The 30 unit option student should be aware that they may not change their status as a 30 unit Option RN with the Board of Registered Nursing at any time after licensure.  An LVN accepting the 30 Unit option must meet with the program director and sign a waiver noting that he or she will not receive a college degree. (CANDIDATES WHO ENTER THE PROGRAM IN THE 30-UNIT OPTION CANNOT CHANGE TO THE ADN OPTION.) 30单元选修课程的学生将作为非研究生参加NCLEX-RN考试. 这一身份不会限制他们在加州的业务. They may have difficulty applying to a college/university for an advanced degree.

  • 不需要进行理论/临床能力测试.
  • 不需要进行tea测试.


  • Course syllabi and college catalog from previous nursing school to determine course placement
  • ATI TEAS score, which must be taken prior to the end of the application period. 目前的成功率为62%,但可能会发生变化. Applicants not meeting the established "success score" will be required to remediate identified deficiencies and successfully retest before entry. 最多允许进行两次tea测试. 如果是在澳门皇家赌城在线以外的地方, the test results must be electronically submitted to Ventura College via the ATI website. (
  • Evidence of successful completion with a grade of C or higher at least one semester or one nursing course (with a clinical laboratory) of an accredited nursing program.
  • Two letters of recommendation (nursing school program director and one clinical faculty member) will be required


  • Transcripts showing completion of academic remediation or evidence from nursing counselors verifying completion of academic remediation
  • ATI TEAS score; the current TEAS success score is 62% 但是会发生变化. 
  • Approval from Ventura College nursing program faculty for readmission to the nursing program.
  • If a Ventura College student does not pass Nursing Science V10 (first time), then the applicant must reapply to the nursing program if remediation courses are required. 在这种情况下的学生将没有资格重新入学.

Denial of Admission:

  •  Space is unavailable
  • Applicants whose record indicates deficiencies in health and safety such that the applicant is considered a risk to patient, themselves, or others
  • Applicant with an overall GPA <2.5 or science GPA < 2.5
  • 不完整的先决条件或不完整的大学先修课程申请
  • Applicants with ATI TEAS score < 62% will not be considered for Advanced Placement until the required remediation is completed. Once remediation is completed, the applicant must re-apply and show proof of completed remediation.

** Refer to the 大学先修课程/LVN手册 详细信息**
