
  • FREE classes & 适合所有层次的书籍
  • ESL classes for everyday life - great for beginning to intermediate levels
  • ESL classes to succeed in college - great for intermediate to advanced levels
  • Morning & 夜校
  • Classes in Ventura, Santa Paula, and Piru
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The ESL Department at 澳门皇家赌城在线大学 offers classes to help students become proficient in English. We have two programs: non-credit and credit/mirrored noncredit. 

English for Everyday Life: Beginning and Intermediate Students

非学分ESL课程 (ESL N100A-D) are designed for students who wish to improve their English for everyday life. These classes combine all skills – listening, speaking, reading, and writing.  

English for College: High-Intermediate and Advanced Students

学分ESL课程 (ENGM V01-3) are designed for students who intend to continue their college education and obtain a degree or certificate. The courses that end in ‘R’ focus on reading and writing skills for college (e.g. ENGM V01R). The courses that end in ‘L’ focus on listening and speaking skills for college (e.g. ENGM V01L).  

镜像非学分课程 (ENGM N101-3) offer exact replicas of the credit ESL course curriculum. Students who enroll in mirrored noncredit courses will be expected to complete the same coursework as students taking the course for credit. 


  • 非学分课程有 free 
  • 镜像非学分类包括 same content 作为信用等级 


  • Essential for earning college units, also known as credits. 修读a课程的学生 大学学位 需要这些学分. 
  • May be necessary to qualify for certain 金融援助  
  • 国际学生(F1签证) 应该报读学分ESL课程吗.