体育运动 and 第九条

第九条 and athletics have been closely tied together since the establishment of the law. 第九条 provides equal opportunity for both men and women student athletes and coaches through addressing and working to prevent gender-based (性) discrimination in athletic programs and activities. The three main components of 第九条 in athletics include 参与, athletic financial assistance, treatment in program areas.

第九条 ensures equal opportunity for both men and women in athletic programs through:

  • 训练
  • 实践计划
  • 游戏时间
  • 辅导 and academic services
  • Travel, housing, dining
  • Locker rooms, medical, competitive facilities
  • Recruitment practices
  • Assignment, compensation, office facilities for coaches
  • 宣传

第九条 states that financial assistance (e.g. scholarships) should be proportionate to both male and female athletes

第九条 asserts that athletic budgets do not have to be equal, but must provide equal benefits

第九条 addresses and prevents gender-based discrimination

Testing an Institution's Compliance

A school must pass ONE of the following three-prong tests:

  1. The number of 参与 opportunities for female and male athletes is in balance and proportionate to enrollment.
  2. The college has a proven history and continuing practice of expanding 参与 opportunities in response to the developing interests and abilities of the underrepresented gender.
  3. The college is fully and effectively meeting the interests and abilities of the underrepresented gender.

澳门皇家赌城在线大学 and 第九条 in 体育运动:

  • Each athletic program receives the same amount of government funding; any further funding is due to the team's fundraising efforts.
  • Each player receives the same per diem during traveling.
  • Game and practice schedules are designed with the effort to provide equal treatment to all teams and rental groups.
  • Athletic 参与 is proportionate to enrollment at 澳门皇家赌城在线大学.
  • The college seeks athletic administrative and coaching staff that seek to better the athlete holistically, 是创新的, experienced in skill and care.

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