
面对不断变化的消费者需求, 气候变化带来的挑战, 以及高通胀的影响, businesses are left to reassess their services and the readiness of their employees. 同时, recent graduates grapple with the uncertainty of securing fulfilling, 高薪就业. 为了应对这些挑战, fostering partnerships between community colleges and local industries becomes pivotal, allowing educational institutions to tailor programs to meet the specific needs of students and their prospective employers. The 澳门皇家赌城在线 County Community College 区 (VCCCD) exemplifies this approach, enriching the lives of students and fortifying the local economy by building meaningful relationships with industry partners.

Moorpark大学, 例如, collaborates with local biopharmaceutical and medical device companies, 比如赛默飞世尔, PBS生物技术, 和ECA医疗, 不断改进他们的生物技术项目. 通过项目的顾问委员会, representatives from over a dozen companies meet to provide feedback on courses, 分享学生应该接受培训的新趋势, and suggest new industry-standard equipment that their future employees need experience with. Businesses also help contribute to transitioning students from the classroom to the workplace through internships. 通过与学院合作, businesses help students gain relevant industry experience while earning class credit. 另外, 透过拨款资助, 学院可以为符合条件的学生的实习工作支付报酬, supporting those who otherwise could not afford to take an unpaid position. 通过这些伙伴关系, the program equips students to start careers in biomanufacturing upon graduation.

奥克斯纳德 College similarly collaborates with industry leaders to broaden opportunities for students to gain practical industry experience during their studies. Hosting the Laborers International Union of North America (LiUNA) Local 585 youth apprenticeship program, the college provides students with real-world experience in the trades, 再加上可以使用校园资源和学术课程. 另外, the Computer Networking/Information Technology (CNIT) program actively engages with nearby companies like Western NRG, Anacapa微, 和哈斯自动化, offering hands-on experience in dynamic areas such as cybersecurity. These programs empower students to earn degrees and certifications that propel them into promising careers with the support of the community and robust industry partnerships. This holistic approach enriches the educational journey and prepares students for the demands of their respective industries.

澳门皇家赌城在线大学’s Nursing and Certified Nursing Assistant programs forge partnerships with local hospitals and post-acute care facilities, 解决整个加州严重的护士短缺问题. 对熟练护士的培训和毕业是非常必要的, but college programs are limited by the availability of clinical placement sites and the availability of faculty. Partnering with local facilities like Community Memorial Hospital (CMH) resolves both issues—students train and learn the policies, 程序, and equipment in facilities where they will likely be employed, 兼职教师是从医院员工中招聘的, providing expertise and guidance to create a cohort of nurses prepared for success. 除了, employees with the licensed vocational nurse (LVN) credential at these facilities who want to upskill can receive training through the college to become registered nurses and advance their careers. Such partnerships create a seamless path from graduation to employment, 将雇主与准备充分的新员工联系起来.

Businesses seeking to enhance the skills of their current employees can collaborate with VCCCD Economic and Workforce Development to create trainings tailored to their precise needs and corporate goals. These comprehensive courses are designed to elevate employees' proficiency in specialized areas, such as Advanced Manufacturing skills and Leadership and Team Management, contributing to the overall competitiveness and adaptability of the workforce. The collaborative efforts between businesses and Economic and Workforce Development exemplify a strategic approach to skill enhancement, fostering a workforce equipped for the challenges of the evolving industry landscape.

As local industries navigate the complexities of a changing economy, 澳门皇家赌城在线 County community colleges emerge as proactive contributors, providing training and job development to build a strong and adaptable workforce. 通过p与行业领导者合作, the 澳门皇家赌城在线 County community colleges are not just providing education; they are offering a path to a prosperous future. These strategic alliances between academia and local businesses are a testament to the colleges’ commitment to nurturing talent, 建筑职业, 并提升他们所服务的社区. Businesses interested in partnering with the 澳门皇家赌城在线 County community colleges can contact Brenda Acomb Forbes, Director of Economic and Workforce Development.
