Highlighting the amazing 政府, 教师, Classified Professionals, and 学生 that make up our pirate family. 

This month's highlights include:

Ahmad谋求 (student),  杰达Yarnall (classified), 戴安·柯林斯,拉尔夫 (英语老师),  金正日霍夫曼, (Admin)

Ahmad谋求, Student


名称: Ahmad谋求

在VC的角色: Student, MESA Member

主要: Mechanical Engineering

在风投工作的年限: Freshman, started Fall 2023     

家庭生活: Family of 5 and the oldest of 3 at home.

爱好: I love going to the gym, playing video games, and watching anime. 

最喜欢的食物: Mom’s home cooked Maqluba.

最喜欢的电影: 爱尔兰人的.

最喜欢的歌曲: Shouting At The Wall

Something Unique about you: I speak 3 languages which are English, Spanish, and Arabic. I have traveled quite a bit over the years both in-country and internationally between many states and also countries such as Jordan and Palestine.

杰达Yarnall, Classified


名称: 杰达Yarnall

角色: Administrative Assistant for 金融援助, Basic Needs Center and 梦想家 Center 

在风投工作的年限: 5个月 

家庭: Jim- Husband of 25 years, Lauryn (23) daughter, CJ (19) son. 

爱好: Amigurumi Crochet, Propagating plants, Going to Disney Parks 

最喜欢的食物: 炸玉米饼

最喜欢的电影: 公主新娘 

最喜欢的歌曲: Songbird by Fleetwood Mac

Something unique or interesting about you: I’m deaf and read lips/can only hear when directly in front of someone, so if you say hi on campus and I don’t say it back I’m sorry I’m not doing it on purpose 😊

戴安·柯林斯,拉尔夫, 英语老师

名称: 戴安·柯林斯,拉尔夫

角色: 英语老师

在风投工作的年限: Just a little over 1 year

家庭: 我美丽的妻子, 珍妮特, 还有我们的孩子, 撒母耳与蓝宝石, are the greatest blessings of my life. Their love creates a tapestry of 快乐 that makes our family a treasure beyond compare.

爱好: Movies, music, reading, travel, swimming, and boxing.

最喜欢的食物: 炸玉米饼!

最喜欢的电影: The Truman Show (1998)

最喜欢的歌曲: Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen

Something unique or interesting about you: During my college years, I had the pleasure of immersing myself in Moroccan and Spanish cultures, living with Arabic-speaking families. Overcoming language barriers ignited my passion to become an ESL teacher, dedicated to helping non-native English speakers find increased comfort, 快乐, and success in the United States. I absolutely LOVE what I do!


名称: 金正日霍夫曼

角色: 总统

在风投工作的年限: 8年

家庭: I have a small family including a husband and two children.  My son is 30 years old and a doctor and my daughter is 28 years old and a nurse. 

爱好: Skiing, golf, and hanging out with family and friends

最喜欢的食物: 墨西哥食物

最喜欢的电影: Some of my favorite movie series include Star Wars and Harry Potter

最喜欢的歌曲: Kelly Clarkson’s  “Stronger”

Something unique or interesting about you: I am retiring in less than 6 个月…Woo Hoo.  My plan is to attend my son’s wedding in August and then I am off to Spain for a couple of 个月.  !再见!
