
布伦特威尔逊 is a Los Angeles-based tenor, conductor 和 stage director.  Wilson made his international singing debuts as Alidoro in Rossini's Cenerentola 与意大利 歌剧 Festival di Lucca, 弗兰克在 死Fledermaus with International 歌剧 Festival in Opava, Czech Republic. Shortly thereafter, Wilson switched to tenor 和 made his debut with Boston Lyric 歌剧 in 尤金·奥涅金. 从那时起, he has sung with Boston Lyric 歌剧, 缅因州大歌剧院, 歌剧 Santa Barbara, Granite State 歌剧, Chicago 歌剧 Theater, Lyric 歌剧 of Chicago, 和 歌剧 Theatre Saint Louis. He has frequently appeared with the Grammy-nominated ensemble Boston Baroque, H和el 和 Haydn Society, H和el Oratorio Society, Long Beach Camerata, 和 recently the Santa Barbara Master Chorale.

作为指挥, Wilson served as Assistant Conductor 和 Chorus Master of 歌剧 Santa Barbara for five seasons 和 over twenty productions. He recently conducted 领事唐帕斯夸里 with 歌剧 Santa Barbara, 和 has appeared as guest conductor for the UCSB Orchestra 和 歌剧, 接收 top prize for collegiate opera production from the National 歌剧 Association for the production of 第十二夜.

Wilson is the Director of Voice, 唱诗班, 歌剧 和 音乐剧, 和 Department Chair for the Performing Arts at 澳门皇家赌城在线大学, where he has directed 和/or music directed over thirty productions. 另外, he has been on faculty at the Tanglewood Institute through Boston University, 奥古斯塔纳学院, 和 University of California-Santa Barbara. He is a member of the National 歌剧 Association, National Association of Teachers of Singing, 和 champions the training of young singers. He has students in Broadway tours including 摇滚学院, 摇滚时代,汉密尔顿. He has recently embarked on a project to rediscover 和 remount works by Gian Carlo Menotti that have been lost since their debuts on NBC 和 CBS in the '60s 和 '70s. Wilson received Voice Performance degrees from 奥古斯塔纳学院 (B.A.) 和 Boston University School of 音乐 (M.M.) 和 also holds degrees in Computer Science/Mathematics from Augustana. 在他空闲的时候, Wilson likes to compete in marathons 和 other endurance sports, 和 he recently completed his fifth Ironman race in Zurich, 瑞士.