The Student Activity Fee allows the Associated 学生 of 澳门皇家赌城在线 College to provide quality student support and help to transform students’ lives through meaningful co-curricular events, 活动, & 项目.  So far, the funds collected from the Student Activity Fee have helped to support the following:


  • ASVC has been able to connect the students to the campus community through events and 项目 with little to no cost.
    • Feed a Pirate, the 食物 pantry program which provides free bags of groceries to VC students.
    • VC航行, which gives students the opportunity to experience art, 文化, and entertainment destinations in the greater Los Angeles area.
    • Student Life Day, in which students are exposed to the variety of Student Organizations and Student Support Services available to them.
    • Finals Jam, an event that enables students to relax and unwind before finals.
  • ASVC has been able to fund VC Student Organizations and sponsor major events on campus such as: the Psychology Club’s Think Before You Drink Event & Clothesline Project, M.E.Ch.A’s Dia De Los Muertos event, and sending students from the Water Science Student Network to a statewide conference in Sacramento.

总之, the Student Activity Fee creates opportunities for the Associated Student of 澳门皇家赌城在线 College and 澳门皇家赌城在线 College Student Organization to engage our student body.  By engaging students, ASVC is able to help to create a connection to the Campus that will enhance student success. 

Student Activity Fee Waiver:

Complete the waiver form